Bill Bone
The sport of cycling is immensely popular around the world. It’s been around for well over a century. It officially began on May 31, 1868, near Paris with a 1,312-yard race to the entrance of Saint-Cloud Park. An 18-year-old Englishman named James Moore won that first race. Ten years later, the first recorded race in the United States was held in Boston.
Since those early days, the sport of cycling has become a global phenomenon. In fact, the Tour de France, road cycling’s signature annual event, is the most watched sporting event in the world, drawing more viewers than even soccer’s World Cup. The Tour de France draws approximately 3.5 billion viewers compared with 3.3 billion for the World Cup. To put that into perspective, the Super Bowl is watched by approximately 150 million viewers worldwide.
As the popularity of the sport of cycling has grown so too have the different types of cycling sports. There are over a dozen types today, including road cycling, track cycling, para-cycling, and mountain biking to name just a few. Many have subcategories as well. For instance, Time Trials, which is a subcategory of road cycling, are popular among serious cyclists, especially in Florida.
A Time Trial is a type of competition in which individual cyclists or teams start at set intervals to cover a specified distance on a road course. The rider or team with the fastest time wins. Time Trials are also commonly referred to as the “Race of Truth” since participants compete against the clock and are then ranked among their opponents. Winning depends only on a rider’s strength, endurance, and determination against the clock.
Time Trial racing is serious business. It’s recognized by USA Cycling and governing cycling bodies around the world, and it’s an official Olympic event. Time Trials are broken down into several categories based on ability, age, and gender. For example, elite male riders compete in their own category, which is further subdivided into age groups; similarly, intermediate and novice riders compete in their own categories.
As you would expect with our delightful weather and environment, Florida is a hotbed for time trial events, riders, and fans. Bill Bone Bike Law is a long-time advocate and supporter of cycling awareness, acceptance, participation, and competition in Florida. Bill Bone has been the named sponsor of numerous cycling races and events over the past two decades.
Bill Bone is pleased to announce that the 2020 Bill Bone Florida State Time Trial Championship will take place on Sunday, December 13, 2020, beginning at 7:30 a.m. It will be held in western Palm Beach County at Florida State Road 700 and U.S. 441, PGHX+57 Wellington, Florida.
The race will be held on a new and fast 25-kilometer out and back route that is completely closed to traffic and managed by the Florida Highway Patrol. Riders of all age groups and categories will compete for the title of 2020 Florida State Champion. To participate, riders must have a USA Cycling license.
Registration closes on Thursday, December 10, 2020, at noon. There will be no race day registration. Register today, so you don’t miss out.
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